Dr. Scott Beeve is Providing Customized LASIK here in Glendale California
Dr. Scott Beeve is providing CustomizedTailored LASIK measurements and treatments here in Glendale California
Eye Strain sn’t a single eye condition, like glaucoma or pink eye, It’s a name for the kinds of symptoms that people experience when they spend too long looking at a screen. These symptoms can include dry itchy eye, blurriness, and headaches. These symptoms are temporary and no permanent damage is being done to the eyes.
The easiest way to avoid eye strain (or eye fatigue from any extended near-focus task like computer, reading or sewing) is to make sure to blink often and to look up from your screen or close-up work every 20 minutes and focus at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This strategy of frequent re-focusing is called the 20-20-20 rule, and lets the eyes relaxed.