Dr. Scott Beeve is Providing Customized LASIK here in Glendale California
Dr. Scott Beeve is providing CustomizedTailored LASIK measurements and treatments here in Glendale California
You can usually treat a black eye at home. But if there are more serious symptoms of black eye, contact Dr. Beeve. These signs include:
To reduce swelling and ease pain the first day, apply an ice pack to the eye for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, once every hour. If you don't have an ice pack, use a bag of frozen vegetables or ice cubes wrapped in cloth. The cloth protects your skin from freezing. Don't put a raw steak or other raw meat on your eye. Despite what you've seen on television and in the movies, there's no scientific basis for this. In fact, the bacteria in raw meat poses a high risk of infection.